Beau Brummel lived between 7 June 1778 – 30 March 1840 and this musical production tells his life story. He was the arbiter of the men's fashion 'dandyism' in Regency England and a friend of the Prince Regent, the future King George IV. From being included in Prince George's circle, he began behaving as though his fortune were as great as theirs, spending and gambling as though he were one of them. This was not a problem while he was under the protection of the Prince of Wales. but then at a masquerade ball in July 1813, Prince Regent snubbed Brummell, provoking Brummell's infamous remark, "Alvanley, who's your fat friend?". This doomed his social standing and in 1816, he fled to France to escape social ostracism and the sudden demand for payment in full of thousands of pounds owed. He died penniless and insane from syphilis in Caen in 1840.
BHTC NOTES: As detailed below in the programme and press coverage, this was the world premiere of the musical Beau and a wonderful theatrical milestone for the club.
Recognised with a Special Achievement Award by the
Mid Sussex Times Annual Drama Awards.
Playwright: Len Beadle & Peter Chandler
Genre: Comedy Drama
Staged: The Croft Theatre, Burgess Hill School
Directed by: Matthew Beadle
Production Date: July 1997
Group: BHTC
Beau Brummell
Prince of Wales
Oliver Vincent
Mrs Fitzherbert
Richard Sheridan
Lord Alvanley
Lady Farthingale
Duchess of Leamington
Simpson / Barman
Mrs St Aubyn & French Landlady
Palace Footman
Assistant Producer
Stage Manager
Set Design,
Set Construction &
Backstage Crew
Technical Manager
Technical Team
Wardrobe Mistress
Costume Design
Costume and Wardrobe Team
Properties Team
Theatre & Foyer Decor
Gala Evening Organiser
Box Office Manager
Front of House
Front of House Team
Poster & Programme Design
Mike MacKenzie
Chris Smith
Neil Batsford
Karl Morgan
Sam Childs
Faith Harris
David Abbott
Julia Peckham
Richard Knapp
Kenneth Guest
Norma Somerville
Jo White
Chris Marshall
Morag Mitchell
David Villiers

Justine James
Janis McLean
Laurie Parsons
Geoff Twyman
Keith Griffiths, Geoff Twyman,
Bob Awcock, David Bevan,
Alan Herbert, Jaimie Todd,
Anthony White, Katie James,
Graham Wood, Terry Thompsett, Mike Ward,
Chris Twyman, Ross Twyman, Catherine Way, Derek McLean, Kelly Webb, Becky Powell,
Mark herbert, Roy Willis, Laurie Parsons,
Liz Batten, Anthony Hole & Danny Murray
Tim Kendell
Chris Childs, Mark Lacombe, Daniel Pepper,
Tim Pateman, Keith Samphier & Richard Streeter
Pat Griffiths
Pat Griffiths & Lesley Rowland
Tricia Awcock, Doreen Cripps, Hilary Smith,
Kelly Webb, Constance Felton, Ronnie Harcourt, Angela Jeans, Val Whitehead & Joan Peckham
Barbara Kinsey, Chris Twyman, Val Herbert,
Catherine Way & Susan King
Pauline Childs
Pamela Skilton & Joyce Figg
Pippa Jones
Jacqui Walker
Hilary Smith
Rosalind Wood
Susan Wheeler, Sue Wilson, Barbara Parsons,
Val Whitehead, Chris Batsford & Sarah Hall
Terry Thompsett & Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson
Produced by: Rick Peckham
Orchestrations: Richard Beadle & Len Beadle
Musical Director & Conductor: Richard Beadle
Violins: (Leader) Wendy Bourne, Audrey Williams, Christian Fiddall & Fred Weller
Violas: Ian Black & Elizabeth Black.Celli: Jane Blythe & Mark Jesson
Flutes: Richard Reeves (picolo) & Peggy Homer
Oboe: Rebecca Knight.
Clarinet: Jonathan Clark
Bassoon: Adrian Forrester
Trumpets: Tony Homer & Ben Gaff
French Horn: Luke Woodhead
Trombone: Peter Colbourne
Piano / Synthesizer: Graham King
Bass Guitar: Jonathan Curtis-Brignal
Drums / Percussion: Neil Feltham
BHTC Production Number: 191

Press Cuttings & Award

Production Photos 1-26

Publicity & Backstage Photos 1-26