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Two ballroom dancers, a man and a woman named Reginald and Thelma Harris, are hurriedly getting ready for an event. A lampshade which had used bullets as a counterweight has broken and a woman crawls on the floor to look for them. The mother plays the tuba. A policeman watching from outside finds the activity inside suspicious and calls in his inspector. The inspector asks about the family's memories of a man they had seen outside of the Tate Museum where a René Magritte exhibit is being held. He invents an entirely false story, accusing the family of complicity in a crime known as the Crippled Minstrel Caper.
BHTC NOTES: This production was performed as part of the clubs on-going programme of encouraging new directors and club members to gain acting experience, whilst entertaining members, patrons, family and friends.
Genre: Surreal Comedy
Playwright: Tom Stoppard
Directed by: Doreen Cripps
Production Date: May 2001
Group: BHTC
Staged: The Theatre, Church Walk, Burgess Hill
BHTC Production Number: 216
Derek McLean
Chris Childs
Joseph Stevens
Malcom Stevens
David Plank
Nicki Plank
Doreen Cripps
David Bevan
Malcolm Stevens
Reginald Harris
Thelma Harris
Chief Inspector Foot
Police Constable Holmes
Stage Manager
Lighting & Sound
Special Effects

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