Production Date: June 1976
Directed by: Elizabeth Batten
Genre: Drama
Group: BHTC
Staged: The Martlets Hall, Burgess Hill

Alicia Christie, the mother, is the calming influence in her upper middle class family. But her life reaches a cross-roads with the impending marriage of her son, Roy, with whom she has always cherished a very close relationship. Although she approves of her future daughter-in-law, Alicia realises that she is losing her to the one person she cares for. However, one night Alicia sees her wearing a black chiffon nightdress and the girl becomes a living subconcious symbol of her own lost youth.
After a period of depression, she steals a similar garment - in a moment of emotional exultation, she explains to her doctor. However, having been caught and because she doesn't want to wash her family's dirty linen in public, she refuses to allow her doctor to give his report in open court and offers no mitigation. (Taken from Mark Gale's review below).
BHTC NOTES: Seemingly a little square of black chiffon was stuck to each of the posters used to advertise the production.
Stage Manager
Stage Designer
Set Design & Construction
Lighting & Sound
Stage Effects
Front Of House
Box Office
Gary Smith
Brenda Keyes
Colin Thompson & Geoff Twyman
Norma Somerville
Pam Jefferies
Peter Coveney
Martin Lea
Margaret Coveney
Jan Case, Melanie Murfin & Barbara Chamberlain
Pam Jefferies

Playwrights: Lesley Storm
Roy Christie
Alicia Christie
Robert Christie
Dr Bennet Hawkins
Lynne Jones
Kevin Gray
Stella Adams
Elizabeth Batten
Pat Elliott
Leon Figg
James Towell
BHTC Production Number: 91
Programme, Photo & Press Cuttings