HISTORY 1970-1974
In 1970 the club organised with West Sussex County Council the renting of a convienient piece of spare land behind the Park Centre and built a large wooden shed to help with storage of theatrical props, costumes, preparation of scenery and originally it was also used as a meeting venue. They also secured the use of a half derelict bungalow on the same site and used it for the storage of larger props.
1971 - 1972 Season: Chairman Awaiting Confirmation
1972 - 1973 Season: Chairman Awaiting Confirmation
The club continued to use the Park Centre as the main base for performing until the larger Martlets Hall was built and opened in 1972. At this stage the club were able to increase audience capacity and it has continued to utilise the venue for all of it's annual Pantomimes since that time and most of it's other 3 productions a year between 1972 and 1994, when the club bought it's own theatre.
1973 - 1974 Season: Chairman Awaiting Confirmation
1974 - 1975 Season: Chairman Awaiting Confirmation