Babes in the Wood

Robin Hood
Babes in the Wood
15th to 22nd December 2018
Croft Hall
Burgess Hill School for Girls
Cast List and Characters (for Principal roles)
Baron Fairheart
Sherriff of Nottingham
Little John
Ferdi (Comic)
Rufus (Comic)
Count Draccers
Dame Shuffletoe
Donkey (Comedy)
Graham Wood
Josh Murphy
Harry Greatorek
Richard Gill
Matt Robers
Des Fitzpatrick
Robert Carpenter
Male Roles (Age 17 years plus)
Father of John & Jenny and the King’s knight. (small part)
Authoritative, strong character with a mean streak.
Robin Hoods right hand man. Ability to fight well
Ferdi & Rufus are a energetic double act that easily gets into trouble.
Good singing voices required. Comic timing essential; with the ability to work
and control an audience, manage the song sheet and have fun!
Babes Uncle. Evil, conniving, smarmy, mean and nasty.
Loud, confident, huge ego. Comic timing essential; with the ability to work and control an audience, manage the song sheet and have even more fun at others expense. Singing and movement required.
Two friendly agile, fit and energetic people required!
Will Scarlet (2nd Boy)
Bo Peep (2nd Girl)
Maid Marion (Prin. Girl))
Robin Hood (Prin. Boy)
Zombess (Female)
Forest Fairy
Olle Anderson
Isobel Thomas
Steph Somerville
Dale Smith
Sophie Davies
Ellen Hinton
Julia Peckham
Daisy Hook
Megan Roberts
Josh Plank
Gill Roberts
Gina Paul
Hannah Wilson
Other Roles
Children of Baron Fairheart. Strong independent full of personality
One of Robin Hoods merry men. Ability to sing and dance essential.
Fun loving character. Ability to sing and dance essential.
Devoted, loving and kind. Strong vocals, acting and ability to dance.
Lovable rogue character. Strong vocals, acting and ability to dance
Babes Auntie devoted to her brother equally mean and nasty.
Dames youngest children full of fun and mischief.
Dames eldest children cheeky, naughty but fun.
A strong feisty character. Commanding speaking voice.