Directed by: Robert G Newton
Genre: Drama
Group: BHTC
Staged: The Park Centre, Burgess Hill

In a small house at a coastal resort lives a man, his mentally wayward wife and their boarder who has been with them for a year.
He is a strange chap, unkempt and in flight from we know not what. Enter an even stranger sleek Jewish man and his muscle bound Irish henchman. The mentally immature wife accommodates them with a room and then decides that it is time for the boarder to have a birthday.
At the party she arranges, the new guests play cruel games with the boarder and they break his glasses, make a buffoon of him, and push him over the psychotic precipice.
BHTC NOTES: Club members Elizabeth Batton and Sheila Wells (playing the part of Meg Boles) remember this as an excellent production and in particular, Anthony White's portrayal of Stanley Webber (the lodger).
Production Date: October 1971
Harold Pinter 'The Birthday Party' (1957), was initially a flop, despite a positive review in the Sunday Times. But after the success of 'The Caretaker' in 1960 which established him, 'The Birthday Party' was revived and this time was well received.
Playwrights: Harold Pinter
BHTC Production Number: 69
Neil Batsford
Sheila Wells
Anthony White
Sheila Tapner
Keith Jefferies
Leon Figg
Peter Boles
Meg Boles
Stanley Webber
Anthony White
Mike Cannon
Peter Coveney
Elisabet Hawker
Barbara Chamberlain
Anthony Hole
Anthony White
Inez Wedderburn
Stage Director
Stage Manager
Lighting & Effects
Properties & Wardrobe
Front of House Manager
Set Designer
Production Secretary

Press Cuttings