Gregory Sloane is entertaining guests on Hawk Island. The guests, including Anthony Bryce, a famous but egotistical and very timid crime writer discuss murder as though they were familiar with it and would know what to do should the circumstance arise. Wearying of this talk, Sloane decides to teach the company in general and Bryce in particular a lesson and with the aid of one of his guests, Donald Parish, he pretends to commit a murder.
BHTC NOTES: As detailed in the History notes, this was the first official performance by 'The New Amateur Dramatic Society' (NADS).
A 'typo' on the press review (below) identified the part of Tom Austen being played by the famous actor Donald Sinden,whereas it was actually his brother, Peter.
Directed by: Douglas E Strike
Production Date: February 1952
Playwright: Howard Irving Young
Genre: Comedy Thriller
Group: New Amateur Dramatic Society (NADS)
Staged: St Andrews Parish Room Burgess Hill